

It is that time of year again! SUNYCAP Membership Registration for the 2024-2025 membership year is now open. The membership rate for this year is $200 for the first 10 college admissions professionals’ memberships. Each membership after that is an additional $20.

Mark your calendars to join us at The Annual SUNYCAP Conference at The Woodcliff in Rochester, June 11-13. Membership to SUNYCAP also includes:

· Reduced rates for our Annual SUNYCAP Conference

· SUNYCAP Listserv Emails

· SUNY Admissions Orientation (SAO) for New Staff

· Expanded Partnerships with SUNYCUAD, SUNYFAP, and SUNYRA

· Professional Development Opportunities

· And More!

We truly hope that you will renew your membership with SUNYCAP for the 2024-2025 year. You can find the membership registration form here. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to SUNYCAP Secretary, Rachel Zurschmit at

Thank you for your continued support of SUNYCAP.

Nick Wockasen

SUNYCAP President

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