The State University of New York College Admissions Professionals (SUNYCAP) was established in 1970 as an independent, incorporated, professional organization and celebrates 50 years of service to admissions and enrollment management professionals, school counselors and prospective students. The organization started with a small representation of campuses and has grown to over 400 members representing SUNY campuses statewide.
The purpose of this organization is to: foster the professional growth of the membership; develop and maintain a system of professional communication and dialogue among admissions professionals, with the guidance community and other professional organizations; serve as a professional forum for discussion of admission policies and procedures; encourage research consistent with the other purposes of this organization; and work with SUNY System Administration in the best interest of applicants and the University. Each year the organization hosts the annual SUNYCAP conference at various locations throughout the state of New York.
SUNYCAP provides professional development opportunities for its members through the SUNY Admissions Orientation (SAO) and SUNYCAP Leadership Institute (SLI), as well as, grant and scholarship opportunities. The organization also sponsors the Op Inform (Operation Information) programs held for school counselors at SUNY colleges and universities throughout the state.
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